Concentric Circles

“In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.” — Alfred Stieglitz While on my way to the last Moab Photography Symposium I took some side trips. One of the places I had to visit was Bears Ears National Monument. This venerable place is one recently brought to light by the political wrangling of certain law ‘takers’. I thought this almost unknown area was deserving of a closer look. When I go out on a photo foray I am not only looking for the obvious photo, but one of more subtlety. True I am not prejudiced of where my camera is pointed, though it must attract my eye or call my attention. This image caught my eye, and my attention. Not at all what I expected to capture at the bottom of this deep Utah canyon. The weather had been unsettled for days now, and I had experienced rain, wind and hail early that morning. Not being deterred I ventured out regardless. The rain hadn’t...