The Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse

The Blood Wolf Eclipse Composite Blood moon, wolf moon, eclipse, oh my! I love nightscapes and the buzz all around was the impending Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse that was about to happen. Sunday January 20 beginning around 8:30 the moon began to be blocked by the earth, and turn the moon to a curious reddish color. I still think it's amazing that these events can be predicted to the 'n'th degree. I don't photograph the night sky too much with out some earthly anchor. My usual image has a foreground and stars, with a little light painting thrown around. This kind of photography has fascinated me since making images in high school, with film cameras. This is why I had it in my mind that an ancient Puebloan ruins close to home would make a terrific subject for such an endeavor. The area has dark night skies, away from any light pollution. A little light painting and presto! An image to remember. Except the governmen...