Twenty-sixteen was a bittersweet year for me. I experienced the absolute worst day of my life, seeing my father pass away from lung cancer. The image of his last breath is forever burned into my consciousness, and will be something I will have to carry with me the rest of my days. Another disappointment is shared with the entire country. The events that transpired on November 8th will no doubt change forever the environment and landscape as we know it. These recent events really make one look deep and focus on what really matters. Like it or not the job of a landscape photographer is to document the beautiful world we live in, and to serve as a reminder that nothing is forever. The landscape image is one that can increase awareness of the necessity to preserve and conserve. I set out on my journey in photography to not only remember the good times and adventures, but to document for posterity the disappearing and fragile universe. The melting glaciers, the collapsed arches, the vandalized ancient ruins, and fallen stars. Twenty-sixteen has further strengthened my resolve.
My year wasn't all bad though. I experienced some of my favorite epic trips from Maine to the Grand Canyon. Times spent with friends and family will be remembered and cherished. Here are some of my favorite images from the last year, and sharing them is my pleasure.
Solon Falls on the Kennebec River, Maine |
Bass Harbor Head Light House, Acadia NP |
Lone Pine at White Pocket |
White Pocket Wildflowers |
Take out Beach, Colorado River UT |
Castle Valley, Colorado River UT |
Heart Prairie Aspen Sunburst
Ribbon Falls, Grand Canyon |
View from Horn Creek, Grand Canyon |
Toward Monument Creek, Grand Canyon |
Snow on Yaki Point |
Toward the Within |
Of course there are many more images worthy of sharing, so check out my
New Additions gallery on my website. Thanks for looking, and commenting. Here's to looking forward....cheers.
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